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zaterdag, april 15, 2006

Fotograaf van de Cubaanse revolutie overleden

De Cubaanse fotograaf Raúl Corrales, die beschouwd wordt als een van de fotografen van de Cubaanse Revolutie, is zaterdag in Havana overleden. Dat heeft de Cubaanse staatstelevisie gemeld.

Corrales, die 81 jaar is geworden, was in 1959 de persoonlijk fotograaf van Fidel Castro, die begin dat jaar samen met onder anderen zijn broer Raúl en de revolutionair Che Guevara de zittende president Batista verdreef. Corrales werkte later voor het Cubaanse regeringsblad Revolución.

Een van de bekendste foto's van Corrales is die van de cavalerie van de revolutionairen onder een bewolkte hemel op de Cubaanse vlakte, vlag in de hand. De ruiters nemen de plantage van de United Fruit Company in. Op de speciaal voor Corrales gearrangeerde opname dragen zij strohoeden.

Ook is Corrales bekend door zijn portretten van Che Guevara. Dé foto van Che - in de hele wereld populair en te zien op affiches en T-shirts - is echter niet van zijn hand, maar van zijn tijdgenoot Alberto Korda.

Corrales' werk is in vele landen op tentoonstellingen te zien geweest.

Bron: ANP.

Eugene Richards treedt toe tot VII

In Pasadena, VII held its annual meeting with all of its members present. The members elected James Nachtwey to the position of President and a member of the board of directors. They also elected Joachim Ladefoged to the position of Vice President and a member of the board. Other board members elected were Antonin Kratochvil and Alexandra Boulat. Frank Evers will continue on as the Managing Director of VII.

In addition, the members are pleased to announce the admission of Eugene Richards to the VII Photo Agency. “The work of Eugene Richards is a cornerstone of contemporary documentary photography and filmmaking. All of us at VII welcome Eugene and look forward to his comradeship and creative spirit.”, says James Nachtwey, President of VII. “I am very pleased to be a part of this very creative group of people,” says Eugene Richards.

Eugene Richards was born in Dorchester, Massachusetts. In 1968 he joined VISTA and was assigned as a health care advocate to eastern Arkansas. Two years later he helped found a social service organization and a community newspaper, Many Voices, that reported on black political action and the Ku Klux Klan. After publication of his first two books, Few Comforts or Surprises: The Arkansas Delta (1973) and his self-published Dorchester Days (1978), Richards was invited to become a member at Magnum. Richards is best known for his books—he has authored thirteen—and photo essays on such diverse topics as breast cancer, drug addiction, poverty, emergency medicine, pediatric HIV and AIDS, the meat packing industry, the plight of the world’s mentally disabled, aging and death in America. His work has appeared in countless publications, including The New York Times Magazine, The Nation, Esquire, TIME, Newsweek, the New Yorker, Fortune, Mother Jones and LIFE. Among numerous honors, he has won the W. Eugene Smith Memorial Award, a Guggenheim Fellowship, three National Endowment for the Arts grants, the Leica Medal of Excellence, the Leica Oskar Barnack Award, the Olivier Rebbot Award twice, and the Robert F. Kennedy Lifetime Achievement Journalism Award for coverage of the disadvantaged.

Richards’s latest books are Stepping Through the Ashes and The Fat Baby. Co-authored by Janine Altongy, Stepping Through the Ashes, an elegy to those who lost their lives in New York on September 11, 2001, received the Golden Light Book Award for best collaboration with a writer. The Fat Baby, an anthology of textual and photographic essays produced over the past dozen years, was chosen Best Book by Pictures of the Year International (POYi).

Bron: persbericht VII.

vrijdag, april 14, 2006

Nuclear Nightmares bij Pixelpress

De reportage Nuclear Nightmares: Twenty Years Since Chernobyl van Robert Knoth is nu ook bij Pixelpress te bekijken.

Historische foto blijkt opname van filmset

Getty Images is flink de mist in gegaan met het bijschrift bij een foto van (naar het leek) de Paasopstand in Ierland in 1916. In werkelijkheid ging het om een foto van een filmopname uit 1965 waarin de Paasopstand werd nagespeeld.

De foto werd geplaatst in het dagblad The Irish Times naar aanleiding van de 90ste gedenkdag van de Paasopstand. Een oplettende historicus trok het kenteken na van een auto op de voorgrond van de foto, en kwam erachter dat het ging om een Ford die was ingeschreven in 1952. Bovendien was het grote aantal aandachtige toeschouwers op de achtergrond opmerkelijk.

Uiteindelijk bleek het te gaan om een scène uit de film "Young Cassidy" (die nog regelmatig vertoond wordt op de tv-zender Turner Classic Movies).

Getty Images loopt nog steeds wat slordig achter de feiten aan door in een aangepast bijschrift te spreken van het jaar 1955, met de aanduiding "possibly a film set".

donderdag, april 13, 2006

Hannes Wallrafen in Trouw en Vrij Nederland

Vrijdag in Trouw een artikel over (voormalig) fotograaf Hannes Wallrafen naar aanleiding van zijn overzichtstentoonstelling in het Nederlands Fotomuseum.

Lees ook het tweede artikel in Trouw en het interview met Hannes Walrafen in Vrij Nederland.

Thomas Abercrombie (National Geographic) overleden

Thomas J. Abercrombie, a globe-trotting photographer and writer for National Geographic and the first journalist to visit the South Pole, died April 3 at age 75. He died of complications from heart surgery at Johns Hopkins Medical Center in Baltimore.

In his 38 years at National Geographic, Abercrombie was dispatched to witness world events as momentous as a civil war in Yemen, a new capital in Brazil, Alaska's admission as a U.S. state, unrest in Cambodia and the breakup of Czechoslovakia. His expense accounts were the stuff of legend, including a time in Alaska when he expensed an entire airplane and once in Yemen where he reported the purchase of two AK-47s as "auto insurance."

He became one of the magazine's experts on the Middle East, and in 1966 took the first photographs of Mecca published in the Western world. A practicing Muslim, he made the haj to Mecca four times.

Lees meer bij Photo District Newswire, de Washington Post en de NPPA.

En als u denkt "Thomas wie?" kent u toch vast wel deze foto.

Apple brengt Aperture 1.1 uit

Universele versie met verbeterde RAW-kwaliteit, betere prestaties en lagere prijs

Bunnik, 13 april 2006 -­ Apple introduceert vandaag Aperture 1.1, een belangrijke update van het zeer complete postproductieprogramma voor fotografen, dat geschikt is voor zowel Intel- als PowerPC-Macs. In Aperture 1.1 is de rendering van RAW-bestanden drastisch verbeterd en is er een nieuwe set geavanceerde RAW- regelaars opgenomen. Deze nieuwe versie levert op elke Mac betere prestaties; op een MacBook Pro* verloopt het bewerken van afbeeldingen en het uitvoeren van zoekacties zelfs vier keer zo snel.

Aldus het ronkende persbericht. Vooralsnog heeft Apple met de eerste versie van haar Aperture software vele professionele fotografen hevig teleurgesteld.

Ghaith Abdul-Ahad wint Martha Gellhorn prize

Ghaith Abdul-Ahad, who reports on the conflict in his native Iraq for the Guardian, has won this year's Martha Gellhorn prize for journalism.

The award, named in honour of the famous war correspondent Martha Gellhorn, went to Abdul-Ahad because he provided a rare insight into the reality of the Anglo-American occupation, the award's judges said.

The journalist will receive a £5,000 prize at a ceremony in London in June.

"Here was vivid, humane, independent and brave reporting from an Iraqi point of view, which, in Martha's words, denied the 'official drivel' of the war's propaganda," said the panel of judges, chaired by journalist John Pilger and made up of friends and associates of Gellhorn.

Lees meer in The Guardian.

woensdag, april 12, 2006

Hans van der Meer in De Avonden

Aanstaande vrijdag 14 april is er in VPRO De Avonden een gesprek van L.J.A.D. Creyghton met fotograaf Hans van der Meer in het kader van de tentoonstelling Europese velden - landschap van het amateurvoetbal die nog t/m 7 mei te zien is bij museum Boijmans van Beuningen te Rotterdam.

Vrijdagavond 14 april 2006, rond de klok van 22.00 uur, 747 AM.

maandag, april 10, 2006

Female Photojournalist Award

The French Association of Women Journalists (AFJ) and Canon Communication et Image France are launching, with Images Evidence, the sixth Canon Female Photojournalist Award granted by the Association des femmes journalistes (AFJ).

This Award is handed out every year at the Visa pour l’image Festival in Perpignan (France). It is granted by Canon Communication et Image France and aims at supporting a woman photographer for the completion of a documentary project. To the value of 8000 Euros, it is opened to professional women photojournalists of any age and nationality.

The winner will be selected by a jury made up of photography and press professionals as well as members of the Association of Women Journalists*. Applicants will be judged both upon the presentation of their project and their previous work. Among the selection criteria are the quality of the photographs, as well as the journalistic thoughts and relevance of the chosen subject.

The Award will be handed to the winner in Perpignan on September 2006, during one of the showing nights of the Visa pour l’image Festival. The winner will produce an ongoing one year project which will lead to an exhibition or showing at the Festival in the 2007 edition.

Rules and application can be downloaded :
New award’s website :
contact :

*The Association of Women Journalists aims to promote the image of women in the media. With this Award, handed out for the third time, the AFJ wishes to encourage women to work as photo reporters, to bring their work to the attention of the media and support them in their projects.

April issue of The Digital Journalist

The April issue of The Digital Journalist, the monthly magazine for photojournalism, is now online at http://digitaljournalist.org.

Deze maand onder meer een verhaal van Greg Kelly over zijn documentaire Beyond Words: Photographers of War.

zondag, april 09, 2006

"People prefer film"

Despite the digital push, amateurs and artists who have shot on film since they first picked up cameras may never completely turns their backs on it.

"The fact is, people prefer film," said Steven Brierley, sales director at Ilford Photo of Britain. "The look and feel of it puts it on a different level to digital output."

Hideki Fujii, director of the Nippon Photography Institute, a Tokyo-based photo school, echos the sentiment.

"I use both, but I can put my heart into film," Fujii said.

Bron: AP.

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